This blog contain Poems, entertainment, cool drinks, Travel destination,Nature and about psychological problems that a teenager faces in today's social setup,others topics like Personality and poetry ect.

रविवार, 11 अप्रैल 2021


 "समझ न सकोगे तुम मेरी उल्झनों को....

हाँ...! तुम निकालना भी चाहो ...
क्या करोगे इन परछाइयों का....
जो मेरी अंतरात्मा की तहों तक छाईं है...!
एक नहीं कई दर परत -
बाहें फैलाए है...और-
जैसे मेरे कितनी जन्मों की कथा
कहती है..!"

Sweet sixteen

                          SWEET SIXTEEN 
                        मीठास भरी सोलहवें साल 

SWEET SIXTEEN- मीठास भरी सोहलवें साल 
"हर नारी मन का सोलहवाँ साल......!

ऐसा अवस्था में दिग्भ्रमित होना कितना प्राकृतिक है...!!

जब चाँद खिड़की के पार दिखता है..!
और....कोई मुसाफिर...!!
बादल पर घुड़सवारी करता है   ..!
मंद मंद मुस्काता है चाँद...!!
कोई अक्स जब बादल पर उभरता है...!
हौले..! हौले..!! तब,
दिल की धडकनें तेज हुई जाती है..!

जाने कब आँख लग जाती है...!
सुबह-सुबह हरी दूब पर...!!
ओस कण हीरे की कणी सा चमकता है. .!
एक नम ..
मधुर सा एहसास मन में उपजता है. .!
लेकिन किसके लिये..!
किशोरी मन ...
जान नहीं पाती है..!!

            SWEET SIXTEEN-मीठास भरी सोलहवें साल 

शनिवार, 10 अप्रैल 2021


 वह सफर

रास्ता तो खत्म हो गया
मगर मंजिल कभी रास न आया

मैं निराशावादी नहीं हूँ
न पलायनवादी हूँ
न बदलते वक्त से डर लगता है.
भले मैं थक कर पथ पर बैठ जाऊँ
लेकिन मैं जानती हूँ
तुम अब भी मुझे उतना ही चाहते हो
जितना पहले दिन तुमने मुझे देखकर
अपने प्यार का इजहार किया था.

चलो एक नये मंजिल की खोज में
एक ऐसा सफर
जिसका कभी अंत न हो.

गुरुवार, 8 अप्रैल 2021

Beetroot__A booster of good health.

               Beetroot-A Booster of good health


Beetroot has a good and sweet flavour. 

Personally  I don't like beetroot  because  of its being extreme red in color......but since my childhood I heard that beetroot has food value and we must include it in our daily food since it contains :
. Vitamin c,Vitamin B6
.Potassium, Phosphorus 
 .Iron ect.

According  to Dietitian beetroot juice is anti aging....but beetroot  and carrots mixed with orange juice is more beneficial. For a tasty concoction take_____
__half cup of beetroot juice
__half cup of carrots juice
__one orange juice
Mixed them well in a glass and enjoy a beautiful and healthy  day.
Beetroot Salad

● One Boiled beet
● 2 boiled eggs
● 1  red Onion 
● Crack pepper 
● Salt per taste
● Lettuce 
● 1 Spoon of Olive oil. 

 Beetroot salad 
(as simple as it is) is packed with nutrients.
• Every single ingredient provides nutrition and value. 
• It's such a tasty combo of sweet, savory, and earthy flavors.

बुधवार, 7 अप्रैल 2021

World Health Day

Nowadays everybody is talking about health.Due to Covid-19 Pandemic the definition of health is undergoing a sea change as more and are slipping into poverty and poorer health condition.

___'Health is a state of physical,mental,and social wellbeing in which diseases and infirmity are absent. __wikkipedia.
___The Global Health Day is a global health awareness day observed every year on 7th April under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as other related organizations. 

While every year the Theme is on building a healthier World. This year prevailing Pandemic has forced us to have an introspection on health issues and their true nature. 
Mankind is beginning  to appreciate the significance of a simple life dedicated to cleanliness and positive thinking. So live a moderate life style, preserve natural resources, respect your environment and live happy.(A 1980Libyan commemorative stamp organizing World Health Day).

Normadic life

Out of all the disasters of life
 When I am silent .....!
 A dark note _____ after midnight
 I get bribed into my mind after penetrating the glass…!
 Silence which is also creepy
 The environment around me is not inconsolable
 There is a sound in that sound….
 Music of my soul ....
 Whom the bird casts in the dawn. "
 # Nomadic life of mine

सोमवार, 5 अप्रैल 2021

Coffee secret


There are many legends and talk about origin of coffee....but one I know for sure is that coffee was first seen in Ethiopia. ......whatever.....! my father grew coffee plants in our fields and I knew coffee only as a sweet drink.

In my childhood I drank coffee with milk and cream, thereafter as I grew up I began to knew about the real taste of coffee.Very soon I learnt that coffee is best for keeping you away from sleep. This led me to drink black coffee when I prepared for my exams.

As life went on my imagination with coffee also went for which sky was the limit.

I got my first date with a cup of milky coffee that was topped with a beautiful heartshaped creamy layer. I remember gobbling this delicacy.

Thereafter time has slipped through my fingers as I continued drinking coffee with growing interest  in its taste which presents new mystery with every fresh cup.

Coffee doesn't keep my sleep away. Rather I drink coffee to get a very sound sleep. 


Breastfeeding week

                                                                           Breastfeeding Week                     LogoWBW2024 Cedit: Google ...