This blog contain Poems, entertainment, cool drinks, Travel destination,Nature and about psychological problems that a teenager faces in today's social setup,others topics like Personality and poetry ect.

रविवार, 4 अप्रैल 2021

summer song / ग्रीष्म गीत

                         Summer song/ग्रीष्म गीत

ग्रीष्म ॠतु में,
धरती की गर्म गोद में,
किसान मेहनत और पसीना बहाते हैं।
ग्रीष्मकालिन फसलें लय में लहराते हैं।
पका हुआ  उपज कटने को तैयार है।
गर्म  हवा की खेतों  में रहस्यमयी फुसफुसाहट है।

कटनी का समय है।
किसान ने जो बोया है, उसे काट रहे हैं।
इस धूप से चूमे हुए वातावरण में,
टोकरियाँ भरपूर मात्रा में ,
दिल उल्लास से भरे हैं,
धरती-आकाश  सिम्फनी गाते हैं
प्रकृति के आहिस्ते चलने की आहट है।

खेतों में भुट्ठे के डंठल ऊँचे खड़े हैं,
उनके लटकन सुनहरे मुकुट से लगे हैं,
टमाटर लाल लाल हुए हैं,
कद्दू लेटी-लेटी आराम फरमा रही है।
जैसे __
सूरज की किरणों की खामोश सनसनाहट है।

सूरजमुखी के फूल सिर हिलाते हैं,
उनके चेहरे दिन का पता सबको देते हैं,
अपने रास्ते में पराग इकट्ठा करती हैं।
तोरी फैलती है, आसमान को छूती है,
मधुमक्खियों की फिज़ा में गुनगुनाहट हैं।
जैसे-जैसे सूरज ढलता है,
छाया लंबी होती जाती है,
किसान अपने खजाने इकट्ठा करते हैं,
एक आभारी गीत गुनगुनाते हैं। 
खलिहानों में श्रम और खुशी की गरमाहट है।

शनिवार, 3 अप्रैल 2021

How to keep cool in summer season ?

How to keep cool in Summer 
In summer season people often suffer with severe physical problems which  are very difficult  to bear with.  Heat Problems such as skin and stomach burning are common with people  of all ages.

In such cases what can we do?
Following  some dietary discipline we can win over this situation and stay healthy during summer. Let us see now:

1. Every morning take a glass  of lukewarm water mixed with  fresh coriander leaves and mint juice. After 30mins take a bowl of oats or any kind of cereal with milk. This will take care of acidity.
2. Take full and wholesome breakfast which may include boiled egg, fruits, butter toast with jam along with coffee or tea as per your choice.
3. A light lunch should include salad, bread,vegetables and /or chicken , Juice or simply plateful of boiled vegetables. Vegetables and fruits should be chosen as per season.

4. Evening _ light oil free snacks with coffee or tea.

5. Dinner_Full light meal but strictly avoiding oily or fried items.
(remember  too much of spices are not good in summer for those who suffer from stomach burning or skin diseases).

# Please note that cordamon is useful to keep body  cool in Summer.  You can add cardamom in your fruit juice or in hot tea.Avoid bottled or canned juice.

It is said___"Precaution is better than cure."

Every season has its specialty. Nature has provided something for us to survive and enjoy in every  season. Even extreme climate has its own importance in Nature's book.
So, stay fit, keep cool and enjoy your summer in good Spirit and Harmony.
Summer time

शुक्रवार, 2 अप्रैल 2021


"कुछ अनकही बातें...!
कितनी मुखर जुबान रखती है.!!"



चलते-चलते मैं मैं धरती के किस छोर पर आ गया_____
ये मेरी मंजिल तो नहीं____?
___एक सीप

कौन मेरा आकाश ?
ये सागर की हलचल____
कहीं मुझे लील न ले ??
___एक पर

उफ् ये साँसें !!
मुक्ति की साँसें !!!

अपनों से मिलने की खुशी___
हाँ, मैं पानी हूँ
वाष्प बनना बडा कष्टदायक है.

उडने की खुशी
कोई मुझसे पूछे !

एक शाम तुम्हारे नाम
___मेरे सनम

मुझे रोज तुम्हारा इंतजार रहता है.


Speed your Life

"your direction is more important than your speed. "
__Richard L.Evans

गुरुवार, 1 अप्रैल 2021

April Fool

 I don't remember when I was Pranked by my friends but really I hate this date.

As well as people playing pranks on this day, this causes  the victim who experience deep embarrassment,  confusion and very often discomfort. 

Since when first April  is called April Fool's day  is really a topic of  discussion. 

In school days I read about a French Poet Eloy d'Amerval__1508, referred to a 'POISSON d'Avril' 

A famous  Fool's  day prank is___SPAGETTI HARVEST, which was aired by  BBC 1rst April 1957.
The news  aired was Ticino, a Swiss region near Italian  Border had an____
"Exceptional heavy spaghetti  crop" and a footage was shown____'People picking spaghetti for a tree.'
Very soon people realized that was a prank.Photo:courtesy Google

Today in Internet there are hundreds of April Fool's day Jokes.
As long as  pranks and Jokes don't cause  any harm to anybody they can act as spicy boosters in day to day monotonous life, however when the resultant effects harmful , no such prank can be  acceptable. 

बुधवार, 31 मार्च 2021

Covid Vaccine

When everybody talks about a subject than your mind compulsively turns towards it.

Nowadays everybody is rushing to take Covid Vaccine.  An obvious  question that arise in my mind whether  this Vaccine guarantees safely against all kind of Viruses or it is meant for Coronavirus Only.

What will happen if a new  Virus which is more dangerous than Covid appears?

In the present  circumstances people are rushing  for Covid Vaccine with such confidence that the primary precaution like wearing of the mask and following  social  distancing have been  conveniently forgotten. 

Experts have repeatedly warned that one has to continue taking these basic precautions because Vaccine is no guarantee for total immunity against this Virus.

Vaccine  at this stage is just another form of Precaution. 


Breastfeeding week

                                                                           Breastfeeding Week                     LogoWBW2024 Cedit: Google ...